Ocak 2020


Polimer Nedir? Polimerler; çok sayıda molekülün kimyasal bağlarla düzenli bir şekilde bağlanarak oluşturdukları yüksek molekül ağırlıklı bileşiklerdir. "Poli" Latince bir sözcük olup "çok sayıda" anlamına gelir. Polimerler monomer denilen birimlerin bir araya gelmesiyle oluşmaktadır. Buna basit bir…


Softeners These are additives that are generally composed of phthalates, which increase the flexibility, fluidity and durability of materials such as plastic, cement, concrete, panel, etc. to which they are added. The plasticizers are based on polycarboxylic acid ester based on average chain length…

MEG (Mono Etilen Glikol)

MEG ( MONO ETİLEN GLİKOL ) Mono etilen glikol renksiz, kaynama noktası 198 °C olan viskoz tatlımsı bir sıvıdır. Kimyasal formülü C2H6O2 Molekül ağırlığı 62.07 g/mol Görünüş Renksiz sıvı Saflık , min 99,9 Parlama noktası (Kapalı kap) , °C 110 Asit değeri , max ppm 5 Su miktarı , max ppm 750 Viskozite…


GLİSERİN Gliserin kimyasal bileşimi C3H5(OH)3 olan, oda sıcaklığında koyu kıvamlı görünüşte, hafifçe tatlı viskoz sıvıdır. Gliserin her biri farklı bir karbon atomuna bağlı üç hidroksil grubu (-OH) içerdiğinden dolayı trihidrik alkoldür. GLİSERİN . gliserol . propan-1,2,3-triol . 1,2,3-propantriol .…

DOPT (Dioktil Tereftalat)

D.O.T.P ( DİOKTİL TEREFTALAT ) DOTP SPESİFİKASYONU Aşağıda yapılan açıklamalar ve DOTP nin diğer plastifiyanlara göre üstün özelliklerinden dolayı işletmelere, maliyet ve kalite bakımından sağlayacağı faydaların dikkate alınması tavsiye edilir. Kimyasal adı Dioktil Tereftalat Kimyasal formülü C24H38…

Paint and Varnish Processes

PAINT SECTOR TERMS Capacity: This manufacturing; It consists of mixing the coloring pigments and fillers in mixers with crushing effect. Red powder coating is usually done in ball mills or kollergang. a) Ball (Steel, porcelain or pebble) Mills: These devices are; They are cylindrical devices made of…

Paint Industry Terms

PAINT SECTOR TERMS Adherence: It is the ability of the dry film layer to stand on the surface without blistering, getting up in thin layers or cracking. Adherence is perhaps the single most important feature of paint. Wet adhesion, the ability of the dry paint film to adhere to the surface, despite…

Bio Diesel

WHAT IS BIODIESEL Biodiesel is chemically renewable, long chain fatty acid alkyl esters obtained by converting organic oils with base and alcohol and converting them into diesel fuel. In other words, it is a kind of oxygen based fuel based on ester obtained from biological sources. Oilseed crops (su…



Antifreeze Generally, it is an ethylene glycol or propylene glycol based homogeneous liquid that reduces the freezing point of the coolant, raising the boiling point and preventing rust when added to the cooling systems of the engines. The antifreeze must be a homogeneous liquid, it must not contain…


It is the condensation product polymers of oil and fatty acids and polyacids and polyols, which generally provide products that can be used as cover dyes. It has been determined that alkyd produced with fatty acids of dried oils since 1927 dried in the air and gave durable films, and alkyd resins ha…

Acrylic Resins

Acrylic Resins Acrylic compounds are the general names of plastics, resins and oils obtained by synthesis. Depending on the type of compound, the type of compound used, and the conditions of the process, hard and transparent, soft and flexible solids or viscous, viscous liquid products can be obtain…